MCCB Siemens 3P 40A-25kA / 3VT1704-2DC36-0AA0

Thông Số Cơ Bản

  • Mã Hàng MCCB Siemens: 3VT1704-2DC36-0AA0
  • Dòng Định Mức:40A
  • Điện Áp Làm Việc:380VAC
  • Frequency (Hz) : 50Hz / 60Hz (tần số định mức


Article Number (Market Facing Number)3VT1704-2DC36-0AA0
Product Descriptioncircuit breaker 3VT1 standard breaking capacity Icu=25kA, 415V AC 3-pole, system protection overcurrent release TM, li In= 40A rated current ir= 32… 40A overload prot. iI= 200… 400A, short-circuit protection without auxiliary release without auxiliary/alarm switch
Product familyBasic Devices
Product Lifecycle (PLM)PM300:Active Product
Price data
Price Group193
List PriceShow prices
Customer PriceShow prices
Surcharge for Raw MaterialsNone
Metal FactorLCP—–
Delivery information
Export Control RegulationsAL : N / ECCN : N
Standard lead time ex-works15 Day/Days
Net Weight (kg)1,028 Kg
Product Dimensions (W x L x H)Not available
Packaging Dimension102,00 x 135,00 x 84,00
Package size unit of measureMM
Quantity Unit1 Piece
Packaging Quantity1
Additional Product Information
UPCNot available
Commodity Code85362010
LKZ_FDB/ CatalogIDLV10.1
Product Group3749
Country of originCzech Republic
Compliance with the substance restrictions according to RoHS directiveSince: 01.11.2007
Product classA: Standard product which is a stock item could be returned within the returns guidelines/period.
WEEE (2012/19/EU) Take-Back ObligationYes

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Số Cực/Pha

3 Cực

Điện Áp


Dòng Định Mức
